This holiday season take the time to fill out embrella’s Holiday Mad Libs with the children in your home. If you prefer, you can print them out here and pass them around during the holidays.
Many _______ (length of time) ago in a magical land far away, there lived a _________ (type of character) named Jasper the Jolly. His favorite way to travel was flying his __________ (object that flies). He had a very large family that had a ________ (favorite animal). Every year for the holidays, the Jollys would travel to _ (favorite place to visit) _ and spread cheer all day. They had so much fun, they didn’t want to ______ (action).
One year while his family was ________ (favorite thing to do), Jasper took his ____________ (object that flies) and went on a special adventure of his own. He was having such a great time spreading cheer throughout the __________ (second favorite place to visit) he didn’t realize he was lost.
As he was trying to find his way home, he ran into a magical __________ (type of mystical creature). The mystical creature said, “Hi. My name is ___________ (name).” They quickly became friends and decided to ___________(action) together so Jasper could find his family.
As Jasper and his new friend searched for a way home, they saw a ____________(object). It reminded Jasper of what his family told him to do if he ever got lost.
He hugged his friend and said the magical word: _____________ (favorite food). As soon as he said the magical word, they were surrounded by Jasper’s family. “Where were you?” his mom asked. “Oh, I wasn’t too far,” Jasper said. He knew in his heart, though, that it took an extra special _____________ (positive emotion) to return him home.
Jasper was glad to find ___________ (name), but he also realized he missed his family. Since his adventure, every year, he would invite other _________ (types of mystical creatures) to participate in spreading cheer with the rest of the Jollys. And they all lived jollily ever after.

Author: Salendria Mabrey, FAFS Communication & Development Associate
Salendria Mabrey is a Communication and Development Associate at Foster and Adoptive Family Services.