For more than 40 years, embrella has provided support, training and advocacy to meet the special needs of foster, adoptive and kinship families, who provide safe, stable and nurturing homes for children in foster care.
It’s our mission and we believe in it with all our .
How we provide support, training and advocacy varies depending on the needs of families. We offer a variety of services, from person-to-person support through our embrella’s Family Advocates to online training and webinars on a litany of relevant topics. We hold local Support Network meetings throughout all of New Jersey. We’re on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest and we have blogs (like this one!) as well as newsletters to provide information and assistance.
Moving forward, we’ll continue these services while creating new and innovative ways to reach and assist foster, adoptive and kinship families. We’ll introduce exciting programs, such as Heart to Heart mentoring, which will pair veteran foster parents with newly licensed ones.
2016 will also be the year of video for FAFS. If you are a newly licensed resource in NJ and attended PRIDE training with the Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCP&P), you may have seen the video above. If you didn’t, please be sure to check it out. It’s an overview of the many things we do here at FAFS (and it even stars actual FAFS staff)!
This year, we want to show you (and the rest of the world) what a difference foster, adoptive and kinship parents make. We want to raise awareness of the children and youth out there waiting to be fostered and adopted. We want to feature foster families changing the lives of those children in need and we want to showcase how our services can help you along the way.

Author: Lloyd Nelson, FAFS Digital Media Manager
Lloyd Nelson is the Digital Media Manager of Foster and Adoptive Family Services. He can be reached at