It’s common knowledge that Hollywood stars Angeline Jolie and Brad Pitt are proud parents of adopted as well as biological children. Just recently in December 2015, Sandra Bullock adopted her foster daughter (Laila) after adopting a son (Louis) in 2010. However, there are many more celebrities who have opened their hearts and homes to children they didn’t bring into the world themselves.
Here are five celebrities you didn’t know were adoptive parents.
Viola Davis
The award-winning actress, along with husband Julius Tennon, adopted a daughter named Genesis as a newborn in 2011. She is also stepmom to her husband’s two sons. Having described herself as a child who, “lived in abject poverty and dysfunction,” she makes sure her children will not experience the same outcome.
Hugh Jackman
After this well-known superhero endured two miscarriages with his wife, Deborra-Lee Furness, it was a very challenging time for the both of them. Determined to add to their family, they adopted Oscar and Ava. In his own words, having children saved his life.
Ty Burrell
The star of Modern Family has a modern family of his own. Burrell and his wife Holly adopted two daughters – one in 2010 and another in 2012.
Michelle Pfeiffer
Starting the adoption process in 1993, Michelle Pfeiffer both married David E. Kelley and finalized the adoption of their daughter, Claudia Rose, the same year. The following year, she gave birth to a son, John Henry.
Josephine Baker
The late African-American entertainer supported the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s by adopting 12 children of different ethnicities. Dubbed “The Rainbow Tribe,” Baker sought to portray the message that people of different ethic backgrounds can still be brothers and sisters.

Author: Salendria Mabrey, FAFS Communication & Development Associate
Salendria Mabrey is a Communication and Development Associate at Foster and Adoptive Family Services.
I NEED HELP! We’ve been trying for over two years to get custody of our granddaughter that is in foster care. Recently the judge allowed the foster parents to adopt her however, our attirney has filed an appeal. We have always been in our granddaughters life. It’s killing us and we don’t know where else to turn.
Hello Ms. Banks,
Thank you for reaching out to FAFS. I am saddened to hear that you are going through such a trying time right now in regards to your granddaughter. Typically when a child goes into foster care, CPS makes every effort possible to seek out relatives that could potentially take in the child; however, if the biological parents of the child voice that they do not want certain family members to be considered that may be taken into consideration. Being that I do not know all of the facts in your particular case, all I can do is provide generic information. All 50 states have enacted what are often called “Grandparent Visitation Rights”- feel free to visit the following website where it breaks down Grandparent Visitation Rights by state (; however, in my research it has stated that adoption will terminate visitation rights. FAFS does not offer any legal advice other than providing contact information for Legal Aid when needed. Being that you stated that you have an attorney retained, it is my best recommendation that you seek further counsel from them at this juncture being that the adoption has been granted. Thank you again for reaching out and I wish you all the best in this situation.
Warm Regards,
Jessica Hernandez
FAFS Family Advocate