Parenting. Some days you cry, some days you laugh and other days you just want to pull your hair out. The good news is that’s normal. All parents have their fair share of ups and downs when it comes to the adventurous world of child rearing.
As a foster parent, you understand the difficulties the kids in your care have faced. You want nothing more than to give them the love and security they deserve. It can be a slippery slope when you need to implement discipline, and you undoubtedly want to get your point across without your kids in care fearing they will be further abused or rejected. What your foster children have been through is definitely no laughing matter, and taking on the responsibility of nurturing them is, as you know, a serious task.
However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t hilarious moments along the way. You know – the instances when you are frustrated and want to show you mean business, but the actual situations are just too funny to stay mad at your children for long. If you think back to your childhood, you may reflect on times when your own parents had to laugh when they intended on dishing out strict punishments. It’s these moments that remind us we are all human beings, and, sometimes, nuggets of laughter are just what the doctor ordered to relieve stressful situations. Here are five funny phrases foster parents say to foster kids.
“There is no such thing as the toilet monster. You will still be alive after you go to the potty.”
“No. You can’t only have ketchup for dinner.”
“I’m sorry I ruined your life by asking you to put your shoes away.”
“If at first you don’t succeed, do it the way I told you in the first place.”
“That’s your little brother, not a pull toy.”
Life certainly isn’t without obstacles. Don’t forget to add the medicine of laughter along the way.

Author: Salendria Mabrey, FAFS Communication & Development Associate
Salendria Mabrey is a Communication and Development Associate at Foster and Adoptive Family Services.