Quotes call out to people looking for something that describes their experiences, their hopes, desires and feelings in the perfect way. Foster care quotes do that for those who have devoted their lives to helping abused and neglected children experience a happy and healthy childhood. Below are some of our favorite foster care quotes.
Foster Care Quotes
“A child born to another woman calls me mom. The depth of the tragedy and the magnitude of the privilege are not lost on me.” -Jody Landers
“Instead of growing in my belly, they grew in my heart.” -Anonymous
“Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.” – James Baldwin
“People say ‘he’s so lucky to have you.’ The truth is I’m so lucky to have him.” -Anonymous
“An aware parent loves all children he or she interacts with – for you are a caretaker for those moments in time.” – Doc Childre
“Parenthood requires love, not DNA.” -Anonymous
“Families don’t have to match. You don’t have to look like someone else to love them.” -Leigh Anne Tuohy
“You were born with the ability to change someone’s life. Don’t ever waste it.” -Anonymous
“Every child deserves a champion – an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best they can possibly be.” – Rita F. Pierson
“There is no better gift to give a child than a family.” -Anonymous
“Love makes a family.” -Anonymous
“I may not have carried you for 9 months but I will spend the rest of my life loving you, protecting you, and doing whatever I need to make you happy.” -Anonymous
“There are no unwanted children. Just unfound families.” -Anonymous
“If you can help a child, you don’t have to spend years repairing an adult.” – Joyce Meyer
“There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart.” -Mahatma Gandhi
“Sometimes our work as caregivers is not for the faint of heart. But, you will never know what you are made of until you step into the fire. Step bravely!” ― Deborah A. Beasley
“If you can help a child, you don’t have to spend years repairing and adult.” -Anonymous
“We live in a world in we need to share responsibility. It’s easy to say ‘It’s not my child, not my community, not my problem.’ Then there are those who see the need and respond. I consider those people my heroes.” -Fred Rogers
“Live so that when your children think of fairness, caring and integrity, they think of you.” -H. Jackson Brown Jr.
“Why hold on to someone when you know you have to let them go?” -A Foster Child
“Never underestimate how much you can love someone and how it can change their life. Never forget that the hardest ones to love are the ones that need it most.”
Did we miss your favorite foster care quote? Please add it in the comments section and we’ll be sure to update our list.

Author: Lloyd Nelson, FAFS Digital Media Manager
Lloyd Nelson is the Digital Media Manager of Foster and Adoptive Family Services. He can be reached at lnelson@fafsonline.org.
I love these quotes….. I was in foster care and I think often the church tries to look the other way or they don’t know how to respond to this issue, this needs to be addressed! THANK YOU FOR Y’ALLS HELP IN THIS AREA!!!!!!!
We don’t understand “your” love. Your gonna have to make us. It. Won’t. Be. Easy. But love never is. We are broken. We are hurt. But love is all we needed.
I am a 13 year old foster child and lived in foster care for almost three years. and I have a quote you should publish for me. “Why hold on to someone when you know you have to let them go.” Thank you.
i have deen in care all my life so i kown how u feel love u
caeley rees
There is no rule stating you must let go my dear. Hang in there, my Fosterchikd is like my own.
I so totally agree! I once had a foster child, a girl, she was to leave my care eventually. That broke my heart. I stayed in contact with her, visiting and staying when I could. Yet life’s pathways amaze me. Sadly she ended up in care once again and I took up the fight and wonderfully she’s back with me. This is because I HAD to let go, yet couldn’t let go.
I had a foster baby for a year I loved him so much my other kids loved him. He went back to bio mom in halfway house. And after that they will go in a shelter. My heart is broken it’s been two months.
To love for a little while is better than to not have loved. So sorry for your sadness. I was a foster parent, we adopted three beautiful kids. I wish all storys and experiences were good, sadly thay are not. There is God who loves, who’s son loves, and whos children love. I pray you find them.
hi thank u i am in care to
Here’s a quote…
Never underestimate how much you can love someone and how it can change their life. Never forget that the hardest ones to love are the ones that need it most
Absolutely love this….
Became a foster parent in July…
Hi it’s caeley and i’m 15 now, iv’e been in foster care for five years now, and my friend selena died a sad saturday morning in august 2016. She was only fiveteen and to be sixteen in five days. I miss her alot. still haven been able to get home, and iḿ suffering more depression and loss. I tried to comitt suicide 7 times. I just had no other option. I am glad to have some people who understand.
Hi Caeley,
We’re so sorry to hear about your friend. I know how difficult it can be to lose a friend, especially so young. It’s so important that you share your feelings with friends and counselors because grieving isn’t easy and we all go through it differently. But by sharing memories and feelings of friendship with adults around you, you may find that you feel better — even if it’s just a little bit. But Caeley, suicide is never the answer. Your life matters – you matter – even if it’s incredibly hard to see in the moment. People care, even when it seems like they don’t. Please talk to someone — a counselor, a teacher, an adult. Please call 1-800-273-8255 if your ever feeling that way again. People understand and they really do care, just give them the chance by opening up to them. We care which is why in situations we have to call to make sure you, and anyone like you, is safe. Please Caeley, remember you are not alone.
thanks. I am glad your here. I’m fine now but i still wish i was home with my mom, and that my friend is gone. I have spent so much time with false family that i forgot how it feels to be loved by your real family. I want that chance. I’m a rock collecter now so it helps. I wish for all of the people who read this to understand and if you want to mail me something or a card or whatever at Deer Lake Girls Home.
Caeley, I read your posts and it’s like I’m listening to my younger self- my heart breaks. I want to tell you what too few fosters, chinas, chins etc have heard…and We all needed and we all need. You are loved… and you can do this. You are an over comer- a fighter- and some day … when you come into who you will be, you will make great changes in this world. If you’re anything like I was- I hear you (yea yea you don’t know me) I may not. But I do know what it takes to deal day to day with the known, unfamiliar, the fear, the yearn for normalcy, the revolving door of faces, and the constant “you should be more gratefuls”… there’s such strength in a foster child. You are strong. And one day YOU will know. Virtual love to you and I wish you nothing but the best- rise above it girl! Become who you are. ❤️
I was in foster care from 9-16 years old. I’m 45 now, and a foster parent with 7 bio & adopted kids. I strive to be the mom & foster mom I always dreamed of having. I wish more adults that grew up in the system would become foster parents, we have the ability to understand & give them the tools to be ok, in spite of the life they were dealt, that other ppl can’t learn from a book.
As a foster mom n soon to b adopted mom to 3 great kiddos it breaks my heart that I can’t help more I’m doing this as a single mom n once adoption is final I would love to do emergency fostercare It’s heard but worth it
i have two grands in froster care whom i love deepley and i miss everyday im also frighting to care for them ive been to P.RI.D.A.CLASSES123456 also i got my Med clarnes been to two orintion at Bethe christin severs thay say it dont count now i nerd help to get or try get my babies all i need is finger prints from orintion dateA.S.A.P. AND MY LASTCHAPTER OF PRIDE I CALLD EVERY BODY DID A LOT OF WALKIMG AND CRYING WITH NO RESULTS. AT DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO NEXT I DO HAVE A NAVAGETER SHES BEEN HELP UP TO THIS FAR I DID ALL THIS WITHOUT NO FROSTER CARE WORKER AT ALL SOMEBODY NOT DOING THEY JOB PLEASE HELP AND RESPOND A.S
Thank you for reaching out, Mrs. Lockett. If the children are here in NJ, as a relative, it is important that you are contacting the caseworker directly to express that you are interested in being a potential placement. I would highly recommend that you give us a call at 800-222-0047 and ask to speak to your Family Advocate for your county for further support and/or advocacy to assist in this situation.
This is my qoute. when I fall down keep trying do not under estamate I am the same as every one else.
Hi there, thank you for sharing these foster care quotes and best wishes for those foster parents and kids.
Hi my daughter is a foster parent and her husband they’ve had a child for 2 years now and they are wonderful wonderful parents they have two children of their own and they took on a 3rd I won’t give you his name because I don’t think I’m supposed to that they love this new child that is in their home now and they are taking wonderful care of him you don’t hear too many comments that Foster families they are great you’re awesome and they sure don’t want to lose them back to the mother that’s going to tear their heart about a fart if they do this may not this may not matter I’m just a concerned grandmother he loves us very dearly and don’t want to lose him either thank you so much
Foster and Adoptive Family Services (FAFS) provides services and assistance to New Jersey licensed resource, kinship and adoptive families therefore we are unfortunately limited on how we can assist since you are not a NJ resident. However, NJ’s Division of Child Protection and Permanency’s (CP&P) and other U.S. States, main goal for children in care is reunification. CP&P must complete all attempts for reunification possible prior to changing the children’s permanency goal to adoption. CP&P is also obligated to follow federal timelines when moving towards termination of parental rights. As per US Federal Law, the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 requires that States move toward termination of parental rights for children who have been in foster care for 15 out of 22 months. There are exceptions to this requirement and attorneys and court process can delay this timeline greatly. It is appropriate for resource parents to also write their concerns in a letter and send copies to all parties to ensure their concerns are shared. If the resource (foster) parents, have concerns regarding the child, it is appropriate to express your concerns to the caseworkers, child’s Law Guardian, and the Judge on the case.
Corissa Kazar
Support Services Manager
“Every kid is ONE caring adult away
from being a success story.”
~Josh Shipp, author, national speaker, and former foster youth.
“The most important element of the foster care system is getting kids out of foster care and into a permanent placement so they don’t have to spend their entire childhoods in courtrooms, wondering if they will ever have a place to call home.”
~ Rhea Perlman
There is no more important work human hands can do than to hold a child with a fierce tenderness that says, in a way words never can, ‘You are loved, you are safe, you can trust.’
~ Parker Palmer, Author
I just want to say adult give up on their children for a reason and believe it or not children give up with their parents. I’m a 16 year old girl.i was fostered about one year ago. I was in and out of being with my mum. I was living with my auntie for two years when back to my mum and I believe she changed the way see acted towards me and I believe but I was wrong. I’m struggling to live and it’s so hard. When I was young I was brought up to look after people and help. And to this day on I will always think of my mum to this day on but we as children we have to think of our future and stay strong. I just want to say to all the foster children out there it’s hard we all get that but remember your biological parents love you very much they might have put you in fister care for a reason. There are different reason why they let you go. Its never easier.
I need more information please 786-603-0458
HI i am a kid that is a bad spot with mt brother. it is a bad felling when someone leave you. i am in foster care. i have a lot of people who care. thank to sunnycrest kid home for bring me to the home when no where els would
Being a foster parent has really made our home feel homey. Every child, young or old deserves to be shown love and to feel wanted. We have been licensed since August 2011. Initially we wanted 2-6 year olds only. We took emergency respites or temp respites for a while and got therapeutic license. Now we took a teen and he wanted us to adopt him, and we are.
Being a foster home is rewarding alot but also can be a challenge. No matter what we love you all! You all deserve love, no matter what!!! Few if any children choose to be in care. The system is overburdened and short funded and staffed.
I get so frustrated when people ask why I do this, particularly taking high need kids but they need the love and support the most. Despite the fact that at times you want to hit pause or scream, these special children make life amazing!!!
Our little one was having a meltdown last week and I was just providing comfort, reassurance and love. He asks me, “why do you love me” all teary eyed and in fear and anguish” … And my response, “because you deserve it”
If you are not already, please consider becoming a foster parent!! These kids need you and your love.
i feel so bad for those still in foster care i was in there to for about 5 years im now 13 it was a troubling experience i wish this world was a little nicer and all of us kids had a home from the moment we came back from the hospital
I love reading the quotes and responses from everyone. I am a mom who has had the privilege of caring for about 20 children in care. I’ve adopting one child and am in the process of adopting two more. What an honor it is to be trusted with such an awesome task. The quote that I’d like to leave you with is “Fostering is not always easy, but is always worth it. ”
-Nicole Trimble