Adoption or foster care? Both play an integral part in helping protect NJ’s abused and neglected children. However there are stark and important differences between foster care and adoption. Take our quiz to find out if you know the difference.
Whether it’s through adoption or foster care, resource parents help children that need it the most. Adoptive and foster parents open up their homes and their hearts to kids with emotional and behavioral issues. Foster parents often develop relationship with these children that are as strong as those with their biological children.That’s why, in cases where the child’s parental rights are terminated, foster parents end up adopting the child. However, there are as many instances where the child in care is reunited with her family, a sometimes bittersweet experience for a foster parent. That’s why it’s so important to know the differences between adoption and foster care.
Find out how to become a foster parent or how to adopt from foster care.

Author: Lloyd Nelson, FAFS Digital Media Manager
Lloyd Nelson is the Digital Media Manager of Foster and Adoptive Family Services. He can be reached at