Foster Parent New Year’s Resolutions

Foster Parent New Year’s Resolutions

This New Year is a blank canvas. Use these foster parent New Year’s resolutions to paint an inspiring picture on it.

As a foster parent, it’s important to understand your foster child’s past and plan ahead for his future. What better time to make that happen than the New Year? We’ve gathered a handful of the most common New Year’s resolutions and unpacked them as they pertain to foster parents. Use these foster parent New Year’s resolutions to help you and your child move confidently into 2015.

Foster Parent New Year’s Resolutions: Volunteer to help others: You’ve already got this one down pat – by becoming a foster parent you’ve shown that you’re committed to others’ well being. In fact, in every moment that a foster child finds comfort in your home you are actively improving his life and improving the condition of your community, too. Looking for other ways to volunteer?

Foster Parent New Year’s Resolutions: Lose weight: More than just an appeal to get in shape, losing weight is about removing excess and streamlining your life. We know you care deeply for your foster child, so commit this year to taking time from something less pressing and devoting it to your foster child’s well being. You’ll be surprised how much more time you have for the things that count when you let go of the things that don’t.

Foster Parent New Year’s Resolutions: Quit Smoking: We all know that smoking is an awful habit and a hard one to kick so if you do smoke, here are some resources that can help you manage your addiction. But, much like the quintessential plan to lose weight, this resolution carries additional meaning. As a foster parent you’re already in the habit of doing your part to improve the lives of children in need, but take an extra step this year and be sure to manage any other habits you may have that aren’t serving you or your community. Be mindful of how important you are to your foster child, and always remember that you are one of his most important role models. When your foster child misbehaves, resolve to take a breath and do your best to understand his actions before resorting to anger or punishment. There’s no better way to come to terms with the problems you and your child face than to understand them – which brings us to our next resolution.

Foster Parent New Year’s Resolutions: Learn something new: Learning more is never a bad thing – it empowers you to make the right decisions and take control of your life. This year, resolve to brush up on your knowledge of foster care. FAFS provides a wealth of resources for foster parents who may have questions about what services are available to them, so visit our website, check out our blog, find out about useful programs and read frequently asked questions in our “Keeping You Informed” bulletins, or give us a call at 609.520.1500.

Foster Parent New Year’s Resolutions: Take a trip: There is the obvious way to do this – hop in a car or book a flight – but less people tout the benefits of a mental vacation. It’s important to set aside time for yourself each day – to de-stress, reflect and prepare for the day ahead – so that you can continue to manage your life effectively. We all know that investing yourself so deeply into the well being of your foster child is a big task, but no matter how pressured you feel by your obligations, be sure to take a few moments to appreciate a bit of peace and quiet of your own.

For some of us 2014 flew by and for others it may have felt like it would never end. But there’s no doubting that for your foster children, 2014 was made so much more special by your willingness to open your home and your heart. Here’s to an inspiring, upbeat, healthy, rewarding New Year for you and your children in care!

Author: Thomas Castles, FAFS Communication and Development Associate

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